Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kid Punished For "Dealing" Candy at Lunch

Small World News - Flavien Roger will go before a disciplinary hearing today morning after he was caught dealing Jawbreakers to pals in his lunchbreak.

The pint-sized entrepreneur pocketed 28 Euros (£23) from sales before over-zealous teachers shut down his illicit enterprise.

He told teachers at his French school that he hoped to buy a flat-screen TV with the profits.

Flavien, who has been described as a ‘model student’, could be permanently removed if he is found guilty of ‘trafic de sucettes’ – or trafficking lollipops.

After I read this story I was shocked that this didnt happen in the US. This seems like the type of bullshit that an American teacher would pull, killing any type of business sense or ambition that a kid may have. Then when I realized it was in a French school I was happy and hope that the French continue to discourage there kids from growing up to be successful and ambitious. This way we can at least count on the French to not be be breeding the world leaders of tomorrow that will eventually own the world. So now we only have to worry about Russia, China, Japan, etc. as countries that are setting their children up to rule the world one day.

I love how they used words like traffic and deal to describe candy. Its just candy people. Damn Frenchies.

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