It really bothers me that a day like Presidents Day is associated with big sales at car dealerships or electronic stores and not spent focusing on some of the great men who have served at the most powerful position in the world. I know that there are decent Americans out there who respect the office and this country, and if you take the time to read this I'm probably preaching to the choir. For those who dont care about politics or say they dont matter please just take a look at these men that I want to give praise to and try to envision what this country or even world for that matter would be like without them.
Ronald Reagan - No other President in US history had as much success as far as foreign and domestic policies were concerned. He was able to revive a suffering economy by cutting taxes, reducing government spending, & reducing government regulation. Reagan stood toe to toe with the Soviet Union and put an end to the Cold War. There were certain characteristics about Reagan that made him so succesful despite him not being viewed as the smartest President ever. He was a visionary that knew what he wanted to do and how he needed to go about doing it. He had a character, he didn't spend time worrying about being popular he was honest and did what was right for the country.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
Ronald Reagan
2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - FDR was elected to four terms as President during some of the darkest times in US history. He was President during the Great Depression, and arguably single handedly got the US out of it with its big time government spending and programs like "The New Deal". FDR also led the US through WWII. FDR was viewed as inspiration to a nation that needed someone to look to during such terrible times.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln - On many lists Honest Abe is number one and is very deserving. The first Republican President ever elected. (Probably should have left that out. People will probably hate him now) He put a stop to the Civil War and United the Nation again. In the process he freed millions of slaves upon ending slavery. He had great respect and dedication to the office he held and was available to talk to and even answered questions. Lincolns values and beliefs remain to this day, and his name has been synonmous with "freedom & union."
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln