Monday, March 7, 2011

Red Hair Don't Care

Let me tell you guys about an organization that is very important to me and is a big part of who I am today. I am talking about the NAARHP. The National Association for the Advancement of Red Headed People. Ok so I made up the organization but just like how other groups or people look out for each other the same applies for red heads. Only about 1-2% of the people in the world have red hair, meaning that 98-99% of the world is jealous and should be bowing down to the all mighty red heads.

Sometimes me and my redhead pals meet up on Its the facebook equivalent for red heads. We can share pictures, stories, and jokes. We also keep up with the latest red head news and take place in red head polls and surveys. I don't know what I would do with out redhead-world!

Lets address some common stereotypes. Lets get the elephant in the room out of the way. Yes red heads have tons and tons of sex and yes its fucking awesome. Next! I am reading that red heads have short tempers and can be feisty but thats NOT FUCKING TRUE. I will fight anyone that tries to say otherwise. Now that we have eliminated that horse shit stereotype of short tempers we can move on. People hate on red heads because they are jealous of our freckles, our wicked sweet SPF 50 sun block, and the fact the red hair looks fucking awesome. Yes we do have souls and if you don't believe me check out my ginga Coppercab.

A final note:  ginger is the N-word for red heads we can say it to each other but if anyone else says it all hell will break loose.

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